#430. Dad, how do you know if you are growing apart from someone versus going through a normal phase? Contentment, Life Advice, Love, Time / By Phases are temporary bumps while core connection remains. Growing apart involves lasting value changes and decreasing desire to connect. In […]
#204. Dad, tell me about being a perfectionist. Decisions, Gratitude, Habits, Purpose, Spending / By DAD: Perfectionists are motivated to make the best choice every time. This can lead to decision paralysis.
#100. Dad, what is identity confusion? Decisions, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By When your spending behaviour contradicts your values and goals.
#426. Dad, how do you know if you are making decisions from fear or wisdom? Decisions, Fear, Peace, Wisdom / By Fear-based decisions feel rushed and constricting. Wisdom-based decisions feel grounded, peaceful, even challenging. Wisdom considers consequences while maintaining inner calm.
#112. Dad, what is the difference between thinking and doing? Character, Generosity, Gratitude, Humble, Life Advice, Motivation / By Thinking is valueless, unless it leads to doing.
#405. Dad, how do I relax in the chaos? Courage, Decisions, Fear, Habits, Peace, Purpose, Resilience / By Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus only on your breath and become comfortable with chaos.