#203. Dad, what is the debt snowball method?By / DAD: This method helps you to pay off debts with the smallest amount owed first.
#331. Dad, what is status anxiety? Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Gratitude, Humble, Values / By It is the constant fear of being perceived as “unsuccessful” by society in terms of material wealth.
#25. Dad, what is the key to early retirement? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By The key to early retirement lies with savings, not income – regardless of how much money you make.
#150. Dad, what is passive income? Financial Freedom, Minimalism, Time / By Passive income is income you earn while you are doing something else.
#86. Dad, do I have to spend a lot of money to be content? Gratitude, Happiness, Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity / By You don’t need to get out of the city to feel calm. You don’t need a gym membership to push […]
#49. Dad, what exactly does personal finance mean? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Generosity, Money, Spending / By Learning to budget, spend mindfully, and find a balance between seizing the day and saving for the future
#96. What is #2 rule of money? Life Advice, Money, Spending / By Strive to save 10 to 20 percent of your monthly income.