#176. Dad, how do I increase my attention span?By / Stop multitasking and remove anything from your environment that might distract you.
#394. Dad, what is the value of silence? Peace, Simplicity, Wisdom / By Silence helps bring us back to a place of rest and clarity – away from the noise of the world
#74. Dad, how do I get through all my many tasks in a day? Character, Habits, Minimalism, Peace, Time, Wisdom / By It’s not about how much you do each day, but rather how you reduce the unessential very day. Less is […]
#345. Dad, what is the best average day for you? Gratitude, Simplicity, Time / By A low-stress day. Quality time with family and watching my favourite sports team.
#336. Dad, what is the law of “diminishing gratitude?” Gratitude, Happiness, Purpose, Simplicity, Time / By When you take everyday blessings for granted.
#185. Dad, does spending less equate to less joy? Credit Card, Debt, Money, Simplicity / By On the contrary, spending less brings more joy.
#385. Dad, what does “eat the frog” mean? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Life Advice, Motivation, Simplicity / By “Eat the frog” is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging tasks of the day – the ones you are […]