#175. Dad, what does “Dulcius Ex Asperis” mean?By / This phrase means “Sweeter after difficulties” It reminds you that nothing good comes easily.
#218. Dad, what is eudaimonia? Happiness, Lifestyle, Success / By It is a Greek word which means the highest human good – the good life.
#4. Dad, I am young and want to live and spend money like there is no tomorrow – YOLO Simplicity, Wisdom, YOLO / By It is important to balance preparing for the future and enjoy the present as long as you do not spend […]
#312. Dad, how do I like myself more? Kindness, Self Esteem, YOLO / By Resist looking back in regret and embrace your strengths.
#146. Dad, is education what you learn in school only? Success, Wisdom / By No. Education is the sum of your total knowledge. Everything from tying your shoes to understanding where you spend your […]
#240. Dad, when should I start to worry? Character, Decisions, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble / By DAD: Never. Worrying doesn’t change outcomes. Worrying ruins your day. Worrying distracts you from the work at hand.
#112. Dad, what is the difference between thinking and doing? Character, Generosity, Gratitude, Humble, Life Advice, Motivation / By Thinking is valueless, unless it leads to doing.