#405. Dad, how do I relax in the chaos? Courage, Decisions, Fear, Habits, Peace, Purpose, Resilience / By Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus only on your breath and become comfortable with chaos.
#183. Dad, I hope to run a marathon someday. Motivation, Passion, Purpose / By Hope won’t get you anywhere. Expect that you will succeed.
#297. Dad, is personal finance all about money? Habits, Money, Values / By Personal finance is about values, habits and mindset and not only about money.
#180. Dad, I feel that I have to be in control. Character, Decisions, Humble, Motivation, Purpose / By If you want to be in control, start by letting go of control and see if things start to take […]
#41. Dad, should I repay the highest interest rate debt first? Debt, Money, Motivation / By Tackle smaller balances first. This builds momentum and there are psychological reward to doing it this way.