#369. Dad, is it OK to dislike someone?By / We can dislike aspects of someone, yet still love the whole person and focus on their positive qualities.
#154. Dad, how do I become a better version of myself? Character, Humble, Passion, Purpose, Spending / By You have to remain consistent, don’t strive for perfection and learn to say “No” more often.
#64. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Happiness, Humble, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only conceivable benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#358. Dad, what is the most important relationship I can have? Character, Covid19, Generosity, Happiness, Kindness, Self Esteem, Simplicity / By No relationship is more important than the relationship you have with yourself.
#406. Dad, what is the curse of knowledge? Empathy, Humble, Kindness, Purpose, Success, Wisdom / By Once we know something, we assume everyone else knows it, too. There are always people to teach and people to […]
#192. Dad, what do I do after I make a mistake? Humble, Resilience, Success / By Mistakes are normal. Focus on what you need to do to get better and move on.
#319. How do I build my mental strength muscles? Generosity, Happiness, Life Advice, Resilience, Self Esteem, Time / By Mental strength is built through small, daily victories. It’s the individual choices we make daily that build our “mental strength” […]