#368. Dad, is winning the most important thing?By / Winning is not the only thing that matters — what you learn about yourself and life during the process, is far more important.
#252. Dad, tell me about time? Character, Time / By Time is incredibly precious. Waste it wisely. Dad, you’ve often said that time is money, but what is the real […]
#202. Dad, what is prayer? Gratitude, Humble, Peace, Wisdom / By Prayer is recognition that we can’t figure out this thing called life, on our own.
#167. Dad, I try to learn as much as I can from others. Leadership, Motivation, Risk, Time, Values, Wisdom / By It is just as important to learn what not to do from others as much as what to do.
#103. Dad, how do I get motivated every day? Character, Passion, Purpose / By Try being fully engaged with your passion and you will be motivated every day.
#313. Dad, criticism is difficult to handle. Fear, Humble, Self Esteem, Wisdom / By Criticism sparks discomfort. Viewing these feelings as data, not judgments, fosters openness to critique.
#390. Dad, tell me about people who are “self absorbed”. Character, Humble, Kindness, Self Esteem / By They focus on themselves, interrupt others, turn conversations back to themselves, and are blinded to the needs of others.