#239. Dad, you speak about “Quiet Leadership”.By / Quiet leaders don’t raise their voices. They listen more than they speak.
#213. Dad, tell me about silence Character, Gratitude, Habits, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Silence helps us to eliminate distractions from our daily life.
#236. Dad, what should I talk about? Character, Gratitude, Happiness, Simplicity / By DAD: Talk about life, love, meaning, experiences, entrepreneurship. Be inquisitive, learn about people
#107. Dad, why do we have to keep learning? Leadership, Life Advice, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By Socrates believed he knew nothing and kept learning and discovering. We also know nothing. So, we have to keep learning.
#366. Dad, what is intellectual humility? Character, Humble, Leadership, Self Esteem, Success, Wisdom / By The art of questioning your own biases, beliefs and experiences.
#57. Dad, what is financial awareness? Humble, Minimalism, Purpose, Values / By Recognizing the state of your finances when making financial decisions by not allowing your emotions to get the better of […]
#269. Dad, how do I respond to unfair criticism? Character, Humble / By Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all