#329. Dad, how do I make progress?By / Simply make decisions. Without making decisions, you will remain stagnant, lacklustre and unfocused.
#382. Dad, has the pandemic changed you? Decisions, Gratitude, Humble, Love, Simplicity / By It has changed parts of me. I see the pandemic as a moment to reconnect with what is essential in […]
#100. Dad, what is identity confusion? Decisions, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By When your spending behaviour contradicts your values and goals.
#309. Dad, what stops me from taking more risks? Decisions, Motivation, Resilience / By Negative thinking, fear, and lack of imagination usually restrict our potential to take risks.
#42. Dad, what is the “damn I’m happy stage”? Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose / By It is called fulfillment. You reach this stage when you discover who you are by supporting yourself doing work you […]
#359. Dad, how do I achieve my goals and focus on my values? Decisions, Humble, Purpose, Values, Wisdom / By You have to do both. Otherwise, your goals will not have any value.
#190. Dad, sometimes I take the easy way out Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Success / By Whenever you take the easy way in favour of what’s right, you slowly destroy your character.