#328. Dad, what is Sitzfleisch ( sit-flesh)?By / In German, if someone ‘has a lot of Sitzfleisch’, it means they can endure lengthy or boring tasks until the tasks are completed.
#137. Dad, should I fear the unknown? Character, Motivation, Passion, Success / By The unknown should not feared. It is merely something you’ve yet to experience.
#56. Dad, what is the quote from the movie “Fight Club” you mention when speaking about materialism? Delayed Gratification, Habits, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By “The things you own end up owning you”. Materialism, by and large, is a psychological trap. No matter how much […]
#322. Dad, tell me about new beginnings. Life Advice, Motivation, Passion, Risk / By A new beginning may be the thing you need to find purpose.
#292. Dad, I am pretty hard on myself when I fail. Fear, Resilience, Success / By It’s interesting that when others fail, we admire them for trying. Yet, when we fail, we beat ourselves up.
#284. Dad, some people may not like what I have to say Character, Resilience, Risk / By Don’t hide your message because some people won’t like it.
#170. Dad, tell me about spending time with myself. Happiness, Motivation, Spending, Time / By Spending time by yourself allows you to hear your thoughts without distractions.