#189. Dad, tell me about being quietBy / Knowing how to be quiet teaches you how to formulate your thoughts. The quiet unhurried mind understands the most.
#372. Dad, what is clutter? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Simplicity / By Anything that does not bring tranquillity and peace to your life is clutter.
#432. Dad, does the price tag always determine greater pleasure? Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By We associate expensive things with greater enjoyment. Yet, a simple cheese sandwich at home can bring as much contentment as […]
#177. Dad, I think I am successful because I achieve my goals. Habits, Humble, Motivation, Success / By If you view life as merely achieving goals, you will have the illusion of success.
#235. Dad, tell me about taking action? Character, Motivation, Passion, Resilience / By DAD: Talking about doing something and actually doing it are two very different things
#422. Dad, when does being frugal cross the line into being cheap? Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Values / By Frugal people make smart financial choices while still investing in what matters. Cheap people sacrifice quality and relationships just to […]
#119. Dad, how did decluttering make you feel? Minimalism, Simplicity / By Decluttering allowed me to have more of what I love, and less of what I don’t.