#326. Dad, does success make anxiety and depression better?By / Success is not a cure for anxiety or depression. Sometimes it makes it worse.
#40. Dad, uncle Ben told Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.” What does this mean? Character, Humble, Purpose / By Unfortunately, he had it backwards. When you accept responsibility, you give yourself power.
#123. Dad, how do I stay balanced? Decisions, Happiness, Humble, Motivation, Simplicity / By Balance is not about perfection. It’s about avoiding extremes.
#243. Dad, are rules sacred? Decisions, Life Advice, Success / By Rules are not sacred, principles are.
#192. Dad, what do I do after I make a mistake? Humble, Resilience, Success / By Mistakes are normal. Focus on what you need to do to get better and move on.
#191. Dad, how should I teach? Kindness, Leadership, Purpose, Wisdom / By Empathy, understanding and positive encouragement are the foundations from which to teach people.
#4. Dad, I am young and want to live and spend money like there is no tomorrow – YOLO Simplicity, Wisdom, YOLO / By It is important to balance preparing for the future and enjoy the present as long as you do not spend […]