#307. Dad, what is continuation bias?By / Continuing with an original course of action that is no longer viable.
#116. Dad, how do I beat procrastination? Habits, Life Advice, Motivation / By Get better at two things: self- management and willpower
#172. Dad, life is unfair. Gratitude, Habits, Life Advice, Motivation / By At the end of each day, breathe deeply, appreciate where you are, and see the value in what you have.
#402. Dad, how do I become authentically confident? Authentic, Gratitude, Habits, Humble, Purpose, Self Esteem / By Becoming authentically confident means becoming comfortable with your moments of insecurity and using it as a source of positive energy.
#354. Dad, how has social distancing impacted you? Covid19, Habits, Motivation / By Social distancing has increased my screen time, decreased my energy and increased my snacking.
#332. Dad, what does “living slow” mean? Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Lifestyle, Purpose / By Living slow means listening to your body and giving it the rest it deserves. It means refusing to reach a […]
#321. Dad, should I only focus on my goals? Habits, Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Focus on growth rather than goals. Have a growth mindset and the goals will follow.