#305. Dad, sometimes I feel like I have no direction.By / Having no direction is an excuse to get one step closer to a more fulfilling life.
#302. Dad, is it OK to buy inexpensive stuff? Debt, Decisions, Life Advice, Minimalism, YOLO / By Justifying purchases with a low sticker price is faulty logic. Eventually, our stuff will get the last laugh with the […]
#425. Dad, when is ambition healthy versus harmful? Contentment, Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose, Self Care, Values / By Healthy ambition energizes you and aligns with your values. Harmful ambition depletes you and comes from needing to prove your […]
#194. Dad, I’m not sure if I did my best today. Decisions, Humble, Leadership, Love, Motivation, Purpose, Risk / By Don’t strive to be perfect. Ensure you bring genuine effort into everything you do.
#320. Dad, I have to deal with so many problems? Decisions, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose, Resilience / By Think a little less about managing your problems and a little more about managing your mindset.
#118. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Character, Humble, Life Advice, Lifestyle, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#264. Dad, I feel overwhelmed. Decisions, Peace, Purpose / By Ask yourself what is the minimum I can do. Then, just do that.