#198. Dad, how do I enjoy most of my day?By / It is not realistic to enjoy every part of your day. Just enjoy the small moments.
#338. Dad, why do some people avoid happiness? Gratitude, Happiness / By Some people avoid happiness because they fail to be grateful for the little things.
#123. Dad, how do I stay balanced? Decisions, Happiness, Humble, Motivation, Simplicity / By Balance is not about perfection. It’s about avoiding extremes.
#73. Dad, what is progress? Delayed Gratification, Gratitude, Habits, Humble, Success, Time / By Progress is about getting better every day. Success comes after that.
#52. Dad, does a high paying job mean zero financial stress? Gratitude, Spending / By Financial stress is not measured by how much you earn, rather by how much you save and spend.
#102. Dad, does having more stuff equal happiness? Happiness, Minimalism, Simplicity, Spending / By Material items do not always equal happiness. Sometimes they just add stress and debt.
#94. Dad, is there such a thing as sustained happiness? Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness, Peace / By Day-in-and-day-out joy is something that many of us never truly find. The best life you can build is to regularly […]