#161. Dad, how important is rest?By / Rest is a necessary ingredient for your mind and body. Rest is not given to us, we have to take it.
#205. Dad, good time management is not easy. Habits, Time / By DAD: In order to improve your time management, you must first improve your habits.
#341. Dad, are habits developed all at once? Character, Habits / By Drip by drip, day by day. Habits lead to commitments and commitments create learning.
#321. Dad, should I only focus on my goals? Habits, Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Focus on growth rather than goals. Have a growth mindset and the goals will follow.
#142. Dad, is it OK that my values about money and spending are different from my friends? Money, Spending, Values / By Personal values and spending habits are unique to everybody. Spend based on your personal values.
#157. Dad, how do I deal with daily distractions? Habits, Minimalism, Motivation, Purpose, Time / By There are more distractions than ever before, and you must learn to control your attention span in order to control […]
#153. Dad, does pride come at a price? Character, Humble, Lifestyle, Time / By If you are too proud to accept help or live within your means, it can cost you money and cut off […]