#88. Dad, can you give me advice on getting my shit together?By / I suggest you don’t spend too much time on things that don’t matter and spend it with people that do.
#308. Dad, should I care what people think of my choices? Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Self Esteem / By Become good at not caring what irrelevant people think about you. Decide who belongs in the relevant bunch.
#436. Dad, can you find contentment without achieving your goals? Contentment, Happiness, Peace, Purpose, Success / By Yes, by appreciating the journey and valuing growth over the outcome
#116. Dad, how do I beat procrastination? Habits, Life Advice, Motivation / By Get better at two things: self- management and willpower
#384. Dad, why do we get bored? Fear, Habits, Happiness, Love, Peace / By We get bored because we fail to see the beauty in the mundane. We forget to appreciate the simple things […]
#81. Dad, what about spending money? Money, Simplicity, Spending, YOLO / By Being good with money does not mean you don’t spend it. And not spending does not make you good with […]
#392. Dad , what are anti-goals? Decisions, Habits, Happiness, Peace, Purpose, Self Esteem, Success, Values, Wisdom / By This idea originated from Stoic philosophers. Instead of focusing on what you want to achieve, focus on what you want […]