#46. Dad, why is the holiday season not the “best time of the year” for everybody? Generosity, Happiness, Kindness / By Unfortunately, for people who are alone, out of work or sick, the holidays are also the “most difficult time of […]
#294. Dad, what should I NOT feel guilty about? Character, Happiness, Values / By Staying true to your values, staying away from toxic people, and embracing change.
#343. Dad, I focus too much on yesterday and tomorrow? Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Wisdom / By Obsession with yesterday leads to regret and a constant focus on the future breeds anxiety.
#169. Dad, tell me about self compassion Kindness, Life Advice, Wisdom / By Finding compassion for others is easy but finding compassion for yourself is much harder.
#125. Dad, there is so much I still have to figure out Happiness, Life Advice, Risk, Wisdom / By It’s not always about trying to figure things out. Sometimes it’s about allowing things to reveal themselves.
#236. Dad, what should I talk about? Character, Gratitude, Happiness, Simplicity / By DAD: Talk about life, love, meaning, experiences, entrepreneurship. Be inquisitive, learn about people