#53. Dad, tell me about success and failure.By / Failure is the best teacher because it tells you what is not working. Success never shows you what you are doing wrong.
#143. Dad, I have difficulty balancing my life Character, Decisions, Habits, Purpose, Resilience, Time / By Stick to your priorities, instead of being pulled by the expectations of others.
#314. Dad, what is a “fault finder?” Humble, Kindness, Resilience, Risk / By Somebody who finds fault in everything, complains regularly and does not provide a solution
#405. Dad, how do I relax in the chaos? Courage, Decisions, Fear, Habits, Peace, Purpose, Resilience / By Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus only on your breath and become comfortable with chaos.
#195. Dad, do people become suddenly successful? Habits, Purpose, Success, Wisdom / By Most successful people develop good habits over time and perfect their habits. These habits have made them successful.
#151. Dad, do you always do things that make you happy? Character, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Humble, Resilience / By Sometimes you forced to do unpleasant things in order to make you happy later. That is called sacrifice.
#288. Dad, tell me about failure and self-worth. Life Advice, Resilience, Risk, Self Esteem / By Failure does not determine your self-worth. Only you do.