#231. Dad. What is your favourite Carl Jung quote?By / DAD: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
#69. Dad, does having a budget mean no fun and all work. Financial Freedom, Habits, Money, Success / By Definitely not. A budget is a plan, so you can enjoy your favourite things responsibly.
#130. Dad, why should I keep a diary? Decisions, Humble, Life Advice / By A diary helps you to pay attention to your life and it’s a good place to keep bad ideas.
#195. Dad, do people become suddenly successful? Habits, Purpose, Success, Wisdom / By Most successful people develop good habits over time and perfect their habits. These habits have made them successful.
#218. Dad, what is eudaimonia? Happiness, Lifestyle, Success / By It is a Greek word which means the highest human good – the good life.
#96. What is #2 rule of money? Life Advice, Money, Spending / By Strive to save 10 to 20 percent of your monthly income.
#214. Dad, some days are so hard Character, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Minimalism, Purpose, Resilience, Simplicity, Success / By DAD: Your track record for getting through hard days is 100% so far.