#113. Dad, what is progress?By / Progress is any action that moves you in the direction of becoming a better, kinder human being.
#156. Dad, many of my plans don’t turn out as expected Fear, Humble, Risk, Success, Wisdom / By Some of the best things in life happen unexpectedly, and in spite of our failed plans.
#261.Dad, how do I manage my anger? Character, Kindness, Wisdom / By The more you understand someone, the less you can be angry with them.
#117. Which is best, the carrot or the stick? Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Neither. Motivate people by sharing context about the work they are doing. People are motivated when their work has relevance.
#111. Dad, sometimes I judge people too quickly Character, Decisions, Fear, Humble, Kindness / By We all make snap judgements unconsciously. Try to observe, listen and understand before judging.
#237. Dad, it is so tempting to buy stuff Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Life Advice, Simplicity, Time / By DAD: Advertisers trick you into wanting stuff. Ignore the noise.
#125. Dad, there is so much I still have to figure out Happiness, Life Advice, Risk, Wisdom / By It’s not always about trying to figure things out. Sometimes it’s about allowing things to reveal themselves.