#423. Dad, how do you maintain boundaries without feeling guilty?By / Boundaries protect relationships, not harm them. Your well-being matters as much as others’. Clear boundaries actually allow for deeper, more authentic connections.
#136. Dad, what does it mean to be resourceful? Character, Delayed Gratification, Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Resilience / By It means being creative, rebellious, determined, and unstoppable. It means asking for help, but not waiting for help.
#72. Dad, what is minimalism? Happiness, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Simplicity, Values / By Minimalism is less about the quantity of items you have and more about the quality of life you create.
#385. Dad, what does “eat the frog” mean? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Life Advice, Motivation, Simplicity / By “Eat the frog” is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging tasks of the day – the ones you are […]
#286. Dad, what is wabi-sabi? Fear, Peace, Resilience, Wisdom / By Wabi-sabi is the Japanese philosophy of embracing the beauty of imperfection.
#295, Dad, does money determine my worth? Character, Values / By Your value and worth is not dictated by your money. Your worth is determined by your character.
#101. Dad, how do I continuously grow, develop and get better? Decisions, Fear, Love, Values, Wisdom / By Become self aware about your inadequacies and areas of development.