#38. Dad, what is YOLO?By / YOLO – you only live once – is about sacrificing long term happiness for short-term gratification
#211. Dad, what is a “reverse bucket list?” Character, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Happiness, Life Advice, Motivation, YOLO / By DAD: A “reverse bucket list” reminds you of what you have already done and makes you feel inspired instead of […]
#312. Dad, how do I like myself more? Kindness, Self Esteem, YOLO / By Resist looking back in regret and embrace your strengths.
#193. Dad, are smart people financially wealthy? Financial Freedom, Money, Success, YOLO / By There is no correlation between high levels of intelligence and high levels of financial wealth.
#175. Dad, what does “Dulcius Ex Asperis” mean? Character, Success, YOLO / By This phrase means “Sweeter after difficulties” It reminds you that nothing good comes easily.
#210. Dad, what is a victim mindset? Habits, Kindness, YOLO / By DAD: Stop blaming others and take responsibility for the circumstances of your life.
#139. Dad, I feel that I spend so much time organizing my stuff. Minimalism, Simplicity, Time, YOLO / By Better than organizing more, try owning less.