#81. Dad, what about spending money?By / Being good with money does not mean you don’t spend it. And not spending does not make you good with money.
#84. Dad, what are the 3 steps to get out of debt? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Money, Spending / By Assess the damage. Understand the root cause. Change your habits.
#260. Dad, how do I get what I want? Minimalism, Simplicity, Values / By One way, is to want less. Another way is to first help other people get what they want.
#129. Dad, is a high income a guarantee that you will retire rich? Debt, Money, Spending, Success / By There are no guarantees. Make sure you spend less than you earn and save for the future.
#41. Dad, should I repay the highest interest rate debt first? Debt, Money, Motivation / By Tackle smaller balances first. This builds momentum and there are psychological reward to doing it this way.
#97. What is #3 rule of money? Credit Card, Debt, Money, Spending / By Pay your credit card balance in full every month.
#393. Dad, what is mental clutter? Decisions, Fear, Gratitude, Resilience, Simplicity / By It is a never-ending list of ‘’shoulds”. It distracts your mind and makes you feel overwhelmed.