#270. Dad, who should I have as a mentor?By / Somebody you can trust, has high integrity and has reliable judgement.
#401. Dad, what is the Paradox Of Unanimity? Courage, Empathy, Fear, Leadership / By The more people agree, the less likely they are thinking for themselves. Therefore, beware of consensuses.
#239. Dad, you speak about “Quiet Leadership”. Character, Humble, Leadership / By Quiet leaders don’t raise their voices. They listen more than they speak.
#392. Dad , what are anti-goals? Decisions, Habits, Happiness, Peace, Purpose, Self Esteem, Success, Values, Wisdom / By This idea originated from Stoic philosophers. Instead of focusing on what you want to achieve, focus on what you want […]
#293. Dad, what is financial puberty? Purpose, Values / By The discovery of your financial values relative to your financial independence.
#122. Dad, tell me about new experiences. Character, Happiness / By New experiences provide opportunities for new versions of ourselves to emerge.
#383. Dad, how should we accept people into our lives? Character, Kindness / By Accept people into your life purely on humanity and character and not nationality or similarity.