#201. Dad, how do I help people unconditionally?By / DAD: Give the help you wish others would give you when you need help.
#220. Dad, what is “buy now and pay later” culture? Wisdom / By DAD: Carrying too much debt causes more than budgeting problems; it can cause stress and personal problems, too.
#17. Dad, what is the difference between rich people and wealthy people? Wisdom / By DAD: Rich people dream of money. Wealthy people dream of time, freedom, purpose and happiness.
#277. Dad, can I always be perfectly happy? Happiness, Wisdom / By There is no magic bullet to happiness. There will always be discomfort and worry.
#18. Dad, does carrying a credit card balance help improve your credit score? Wisdom / By No. No. No. If you fail to pay your credit card in full and on time, it will have a […]
#16. Dad, why do so many people over extend their spending before Christmas? Wisdom / By Christmas happens on the same day every year. It does not sneak up on you. Lack of planning is not […]
#48. Dad, what is success? Resilience, Success, Wisdom / By Success is the progressive realization of your goals.