#20. Dad, what will happen if interest rates increase by 1%?By / If interest rates went up by one percentage point, 971,000 Canadians will end up in a cash crunch.
#216. Dad, how are money relationships learned? Wisdom / By DAD: Good money habits starts at home. Most kids learn about their relationship with money from their parents.
#101. Dad, how do I continuously grow, develop and get better? Decisions, Fear, Love, Values, Wisdom / By Become self aware about your inadequacies and areas of development.
#230. Dad, I love to eat out at restaurants. Wisdom / By Restaurant eating is convenient, but very expensive on a tight budget.
#17. Dad, what is the difference between rich people and wealthy people? Wisdom / By DAD: Rich people dream of money. Wealthy people dream of time, freedom, purpose and happiness.
#321. Dad, should I only focus on my goals? Habits, Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Focus on growth rather than goals. Have a growth mindset and the goals will follow.
#215. Dad, I have too many commitments. Wisdom / By DAD: If you commit to too much, you don’t give quality to all of the things you’re committed to.