#184. Dad, how do you prioritize?By / I always get the important stuff done first and don’t waste time on stupid shit!
#54. Dad, tell me about being good with money and spending. Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Money, Spending / By Being good at money does not mean you don’t spend it; and not spending it does not make you good […]
#47. Dad, does getting out of debt mean sacrificing everything? Debt, Resilience, Spending / By Sacrifice does not mean giving up something for nothing; it means giving up one thing for something else we believe is worth more.
#248. Dad, what does it feel like to be in debt? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Money, Spending / By Debt feels like having to run 10 miles to get to the starting line of a marathon. It is impossible […]
#310. Dad, is there a cost to multitasking? Passion, Purpose, Time / By The biggest cost of doing multiple things at once is a gradual decline in your productivity and happiness.
#129. Dad, is a high income a guarantee that you will retire rich? Debt, Money, Spending, Success / By There are no guarantees. Make sure you spend less than you earn and save for the future.
#211. Dad, what is a “reverse bucket list?” Character, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Happiness, Life Advice, Motivation, YOLO / By DAD: A “reverse bucket list” reminds you of what you have already done and makes you feel inspired instead of […]