#179. Dad, do our basic needs ever change?By / Our basic needs never change. We all need to be seen and appreciated, we need to belong and we all need love.
#140. Dad, what present do you want for your birthday? Kindness, Time / By Your presence is the best present.
#239. Dad, you speak about “Quiet Leadership”. Character, Humble, Leadership / By Quiet leaders don’t raise their voices. They listen more than they speak.
#424. Dad, what is the real difference between self-care and self-indulgence? Decisions, Empathy, Happiness, Kindness, Self Care / By Self-care improves your long-term wellbeing, while self-indulgence offers quick pleasure followed by regret. If it makes you feel better tomorrow, […]
#101. Dad, how do I continuously grow, develop and get better? Decisions, Fear, Love, Values, Wisdom / By Become self aware about your inadequacies and areas of development.
#177. Dad, I think I am successful because I achieve my goals. Habits, Humble, Motivation, Success / By If you view life as merely achieving goals, you will have the illusion of success.
#131. Dad, is the grass actually greener on the other side? Gratitude, Happiness, Life Advice, Purpose, Simplicity / By Who cares what colour the grass is on the other side. Live in the moment and embrace the present.