#14. Dad, in your book you speak about financial freedom. What is financial freedom?By / DAD: Financial freedom is much more than having money. It is the ability to make life decisions without worrying about financial constraints.
#157. Dad, how do I deal with daily distractions? Wisdom / By DAD: There are more distractions than ever before and you must learn to control your attention span in order to […]
#277. Dad, can I always be perfectly happy? Happiness, Wisdom / By There is no magic bullet to happiness. There will always be discomfort and worry.
#216. Dad, how are money relationships learned? Wisdom / By DAD: Good money habits starts at home. Most kids learn about their relationship with money from their parents.
#325. Dad, should I only plan for the future? Gratitude, Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Designating time to plan for the future is essential, as is reflecting on and learning from the past.
#23. Dad, what do you mean when you say I should align my spending with my priorities? Wisdom / By Figure out your true hourly wage. Think of purchases in terms of how many hours you have to work to […]
#21. Dad, is it true that education is the key to financial success? Wisdom / By Education is not the key to financial success. Motivation is.