#75. Dad, is it OK to feel discomfort in a relationship?By / Discomfort is not the problem. Getting comfortable with perfection in a relationship is the problem
#17. Dad, what is the difference between rich people and wealthy people? Wisdom / By DAD: Rich people dream of money. Wealthy people dream of time, freedom, purpose and happiness.
#104. Dad, why should I be humble about my knowledge? Humble, Leadership, Life Advice, Wisdom / By When you are humble about your knowledge, you realize that the more you have learned the more remains to be […]
#414. Dad, what do you mean by “hoarding life”. Authentic, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Self Esteem, Simplicity, Success, Wisdom / By Spending your days trying to get experiences “under your belt”, in an effort to maximise your collection of experiences. Placing […]
#220. Dad, what is “buy now and pay later” culture? Wisdom / By DAD: Carrying too much debt causes more than budgeting problems; it can cause stress and personal problems, too.
#18. Dad, does carrying a credit card balance help improve your credit score? Wisdom / By No. No. No. If you fail to pay your credit card in full and on time, it will have a […]
#48. Dad, what is success? Resilience, Success, Wisdom / By Success is the progressive realization of your goals.