#273. Dad, what are the origins of “Trick or Treat?By / It started with the Scottish Halloween custom of “guising”. Children disguised in costumes and went from house to house for food or money.
#396. Dad, how do I master the art of “letting go?” Courage, Fear, Happiness, Peace, Resilience, Self Esteem / By If you would like to have a more peaceful life, it is powerful to understand what disturbs that peace. Practice […]
#412. Dad, tell me about famous vs unnoticed Authentic, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Purpose, Spending, Time / By We are drawn to famous events and places, assuming they will be more delightful. Reading novel in the garden can […]
#374. Dad, what is conditional happiness? Happiness, Peace, Self Esteem / By Conditional happiness is the shortest path to misery. I will be happy when I meet a specific outcome is not […]
#77. Dad, tell me about work. Habits, Happiness, Life Advice / By Avoid busy work. Enjoy focused work instead.
#425. Dad, when is ambition healthy versus harmful? Contentment, Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose, Self Care, Values / By Healthy ambition energizes you and aligns with your values. Harmful ambition depletes you and comes from needing to prove your […]
#125. Dad, there is so much I still have to figure out Happiness, Life Advice, Risk, Wisdom / By It’s not always about trying to figure things out. Sometimes it’s about allowing things to reveal themselves.