#233. Dad, is it OK to have critics?By / DAD: If you don’t have any critics, you’re doing something wrong.
#313. Dad, criticism is difficult to handle. Fear, Humble, Self Esteem, Wisdom / By Criticism sparks discomfort. Viewing these feelings as data, not judgments, fosters openness to critique.
#219. Dad, what is empathetic leadership? Kindness, Leadership, Wisdom / By All successful leaders lead with empathy. Empathy drives purpose and purpose drives results.
#48. Dad, what is success? Resilience, Success, Wisdom / By Success is the progressive realization of your goals.
#380. Dad, what is justice? Character, Peace, Values, Wisdom / By Author Omid Safi wrote, “Justice is love, embodied. We cannot speak of love without linking it to justice, nor of […]
#315. Dad, what does Scrooge teach us about generosity? Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Wisdom / By The generosity of spirit is far more important than giving money.
#431. Dad, what is the difference between values and beliefs? Authentic, Humble, Values, Wisdom / By Beliefs are what you think is true. Values are what you think is important