#147. Dad, sometimes I am afraid to take financial risks.By / Measured risks are important to achieve certain goals when you are young.
#160. Dad, is using too much technology bad? Covid19, Habits, Risk, Time / By Research shows that too much technology use diminishes our mental and physical health and our relationships.
#397. Dad, what is “Premeditatio Malorum”? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Resilience, Risk / By Premeditatio Malorum or “negative visualization” is a Stoic exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away […]
#53. Dad, tell me about success and failure. Resilience, Risk, Success / By Failure is the best teacher because it tells you what is not working. Success never shows you what you are […]
#429. Dad, when should you trust your intuition versus seeking the advice of others? Courage, Decisions, Risk, Trust / By Trust intuition in familiar situations when you are emotionally balanced. Seek advice for new challenges or when strong emotions are […]
#156. Dad, many of my plans don’t turn out as expected Fear, Humble, Risk, Success, Wisdom / By Some of the best things in life happen unexpectedly, and in spite of our failed plans.
#301. Dad, I am afraid of being judged by strangers. Fear, Happiness, Resilience, Risk / By Become more aware of your own judgments of strangers.