#399. Dad, what is Tsundoku (積ん読)By / Tsundoku (積ん読) is a beautiful Japanese word describing the habit of acquiring books but letting them pile up without reading them.
#137. Dad, should I fear the unknown? Character, Motivation, Passion, Success / By The unknown should not feared. It is merely something you’ve yet to experience.
#173. Dad, I don’t seem to have peace of mind Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness / By Peace of mind arrives the moment you come to peace with what is on your mind.
#337. Dad, some days I just want to vent Character, Gratitude, Humble / By Be sure to vent about your joys and not only your problems.
#325. Dad, should I only plan for the future? Gratitude, Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Designating time to plan for the future is essential, as is reflecting on and learning from the past.
#231. Dad. What is your favourite Carl Jung quote? Character, Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Success / By DAD: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
#299. Dad, how do I impress others? Character, Gratitude, Humble, Purpose / By Living an authentic life where you are genuinely true to yourself every single day will impress others.